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Freeze on New Membership. Top Up Your Card

Until things start returning to normal, we've suspended applications for new membership. If you applied before lockdown, then these have all been processed.

Apologies to those who have expressed concern about being Members. We'll keep you posted when normal service resumes. Thank you for your patience.

We'll soon be making it available for you to telephone and top up your membership card. In readiness for when we Open.

I know lots still didn't know we offered this facility, but it has been there for a few years.

How it works?

Basically, you add funds which are applied to your Membership, linked to your Membership Card. In normal operations you hand over your card, the Staff swipe your card. Your Membership discount is applied and the total deducted direct from your account. Its also a really speedy way of being served.

With the situation we're in now. We're asking our Members to use this facility. After you've topped up your Card. You won't need to give this to staff, they'll search your details on the till system, deduct your drinks without making or having any physical contact.

Please support us by using this method.

We'll issue you with Danielle (Bar Manager's telephone number from next week).

You'll be able to pay and top up your card using your credit or debit card over the telephone or when your next in the Club.

Your co-operation throughout this period is crucial. Thank you.

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Batley Irish Democratic League Club
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