New Membership System Update
We're pleased to announce that the new till system has been performing brilliantly. Our list of Members have been loaded onto to the System. For now, only Members who have paid and up to date have been loaded. If your card is not available it maybe because you've lapsed in your Subs. This will need to be sorted before you can have your New Membership Card.
They'll still be some tweaking here and there, which is to be expected. The Membership Cards have been ordered. We'll announce again when they're available to collect.
Apologies again, this project was pushed much further forwarded following the failure of our old til system. Still playing catch-up.

Remember, when you collect your card please keep it safe. Staff will make a note to say who's collected it. Any cards that are lost, stolen or damaged must be reported. The Committee will only issue you one free complimentary card. After which you'll be expected to pay for a new card, £5.
If you persistently forget your card, Staff will not authorise your Membership discount.
Any further questions please ask.