Subs 2020
Membership Subscriptions are now being taken. Good news! There's no increase again this year, still only £7 for all current Members....

Nash Trip to Cork
Our annual trip to Ireland will be to Cork, 21st to 25th September 2020. Our journey will start and end with our own coach via ferry. ...

Senior Members Christmas Dinner - 2019
Another great night at our annual Christmas dinner event. Thank you to Sheila Foley for catering along with her 'A' Team. Looking...

£25,000 weekly prize draw
There's still time to join and play our weekly Celtic Lottery. Simply sign up at Remember to select 'Batley' as...

Senior Members' Christmas Dinner
Tuesday 10th December, 6pm. Annual Senior Members Christmas Dinner. Please sign and pay at the bar. £5 to Senior Members who are Ladies...

Torchlight Procession
The Club took part in the town's Annual Torchlight Procession, 7th October. We've been a focal part of the Procession for years. ...

Farewell Ellie
We said goodbye and farewell to Ellie, as she leaves us to take on a full time position with Leeds City Council. Ellie has been a popular...

Thank you!
Great start, fantastic turn out to our Macmillan Coffee morning. Thanks to all those who baked and donated, much appreciated. It's all...

Name Your Card
Finding it hard keeping track of your card? Why not ask the Bar Staff to print you off a Name Label. You'll never use the wrong card again!

Macmillan Coffee Morning
Friday 27th September - 10:30am til 2:00pm We're supporting the World's Largest Coffee Morning to which you're invited. If you'd like to...